Παρασκευή 29 Μαΐου 2020

Μπιλ Γκέιτς-Εμπιστευτικό: Αποκαλυπτικό βίντεο για τον «βασιλιά των θανατηφόρων εμβολίων»

Δείτε το τρίτο μέρος της έρευνας του Καναδού ακτιβιστή δημοσιογράφου James Corbett για τον μεγιστάνα Μπιλ Γκέιτς και τα σχέδια του για την ανθρωπότητα, όπως αυτό μεταδόθηκε στην ερευνητική εκπομπή «Ελεύθερος Σκοπευτής» του αδέσμευτου δημοσιογράφου Γιώργου Τράγκα.


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I like conspiracy theories; they attempt to inject meaning into otherwise meaningless sets of assorted facts. They bring Logos into our life, as our friend E. Michael Jones would say. An enemy of conspiracy theories would write in the New York Times denouncing Sir Isaac Newton as a notorious conspiracy theorist: out of totally disconnected facts (apple fall, water pumping, artillery shelling) he concocted the conspiracy theory of gravitation claiming that bodies are mutually attracted proportionally to their mass. This is obviously false, he would say, as you can observe at any beach; if there should be a formula, it is that of inverse proportionality. Slim girls and boys attract much more than obese body-positives, and mutuality does not come into this equation. Still the gravitation hoax of Newton has been taught in schools. In NYTimese, this is simply “spreading baseless lies and debunked nonsense about the false rumours”.

The great coronavirus panic of AD 2020 with its enormous consequences is an event that calls for a sensible explanation. How could a minor disease killing an infinitesimal part of population (0.000045) had caused the collapse of civilisation as we knew it? Why is a civilisation that robustly weathered the killing of the flower of its youth in its prime on the fields of Verdun and Stalingrad unable to survive the demise of a few superannuated men such that it withdrew into self-isolation, while giving up the faith, love of neighbour, opposition to old enemies and then destroying its economy, education and reproductivity?